The following are the most Frequently Asked Questions that people ask me, and the most common questions that pop up in Usenet.

They are in no particular order, and if you can't find the answer to your question, just fill in my Help Form.

How many times do I have to use a Limit Break before I can gain the next one?

  • To get the level 1 2nd break you must use the level 1 1st break 8 times.
  • To get the level 2 1st break you have to kill 80 enemies.
  • To get the level 2 2nd break you have to use the level 2 1st break 7 times.
  • To get the level 3 1st break you have to have killed 80 enemies since gaining the level 2 1st break.
  • To get the level 3 2nd break you need to use the level 3 1st break 6 times.
  • Once you've learned your level 3 2nd break (and all others before it) you can go to your item list and use the character's level 4 manual on him or her.

    I can't equip a character with their level four limit break!

    Before a character can use their level four limit, they have to have got both of the level One, Two and Three limits first.
    The best place to build up your limit breaks is in the Sunken Shinra Plane.

    Click here to see the list of every limit break.

    How do I free Tifa from the chair in the Gas Chamber?

    Press X, X, Triangle, X+Triangle, O+Triangle, O, O.

    What's the Combination code in the Rocket?

    It is possible to work this one out from the clues Cid gives you, but if you really need it, well here it is :-
    Circle, Square, X, X

    I missed the W-Item Materia when I was in Midgar!

    If you missed it and left Midgar, you can dig one up in the Bone Village.
    Dig on the Bottom layer, where the X is marked on the ground (I've now tested this for myself).

    When you are in Midgar on the 2nd Disc there are a lot of extra things to pick up, but the W-Item Materia is the only thing that you can dig up. :-

  • W-Item Materia (head south in the tunnels).
  • Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon (64th Floor of Shinra Building).
  • A Turtle's Paradise flyer (Bottom Floor of Shinra Building).
  • Barrett's Ultimate Weapon (On the way up to Sister Ray).
    My advice is not to approach the Sister Ray until you have fully explored the tunnels.

    What is the Combination to the Safe in the Nibelheim Mansion?

    The combination is :-

    You only have 30 Seconds to do this in (nothing bad happens if you run out of time). You must not go past the required numbers.

    What are the Tissues used for?

    You receive a Tissue each time you fight at the Battle Square in the Gold Saucer. The Tissues indicate how many fights you have had, the more fights you have had, the harder they become. So my advice is to sell them whenever you can, it will make the Battles easier.

    What's the deal with the model Shinra Soldiers?

    There is a rumor going round that if you manage to find all twelve, Sephiroth will join your party! You can win them at the Speed Square before you take part in the Special Battle in the Battle Square, but don't ask me what to do with them.

    Where do I find the Mime Materia?

    The Mime Materia is in a cave to the south of Wutai, but you need a Chocobo to reach it.

    Where do I find the Key that lets me back into Midgar?

    Go to the Bone Village and dig on the bottom part of the screen. The Key is below a piece of metal that sticks out of the wrecked plane.

    I've lost or sold my Chocobo Lure Materia, how can I get another one?

    If you go to the Chocobo ranch there should be one right at the bottom of the screen.

    I'm trying to get my Materia up to Master Level, any Tips?

    The Monsters that give you the most AP are in the Northern Cave.
    Go to the place where the team has to split up, and take the left hand route, then go through the first entrance into a swamp-like area. Here you will find Magic Pots that demand an Elixer before they can be killed. They will give you 1000AP each.

    It is also best to equip your characters with Weapons with double growth, that way the Materia will move through the levels quicker.

    How do I get past the Dog guarding the door in the Underwater Reactor?

    Well, you can't, unless you have to.
    When you go under Junon your mission is to steal a sub and then sink the Red Shinra sub. If you succeed (and it's relatively easy to do) then you get to keep the sub that you've stolen.

    If, however, you fail to sink the Red sub within the allowed time then you don't get to keep the sub that you've stolen. But, since you need a sub to complete the game, there is a back-up.

    If you fail to sink the Red sub then, when you go back to the tunnels under Junon the dog won't be there guarding the door, so go in the door and you'll get a sub, in fact, you get the Red one that you failed to sink

    I'm having real difficulties breeding my Chocobos!

    Breeding Chocobos is a very long and difficult task. I suggest you study my Chocobo Breeding Guide very carefully.
    If you are finding that you are not getting the correct Chocobo when breeding, leave it and doing something else in the game for half an hour. Brand new Chocobos take time before they can breed successfully.

    Can I return to the World Map once I have entered the Northern Cave?

    Yes, it is entirly possible to retrace your steps up to the point where you party meets up again after taking the different routes right at the bottom.

    Can you bring "you know who" back to life?

    The only way to do this is by using a Gameshark code that lets you use "you know who's" sprite in place of a normal character.

    I can't find the Alexander Summon or Added Cut Materia!

    These two are very well hidden in the Great Glacier, look at the Walkthrough for more info, there you will find a Map and instruction on where to go to.

    How do I defeat the Ruby and Emerald Weapon?

    I have now added all the instructions into the Bosses section.

    Help! Yuffie Has Stolen My Materia, And Now I Can't Find Her!

    This is all part of Yuffie's Sub-Quest in Wutai. Click here for full instructions.

    How can I find more Ribbons?

    In the Northern Cave you often have to fight a small guy with a Yellow Star above his head, if you Morph him he will turn into a Ribbon.

    What do some of the prizes, like the Masumune Blade, at the Gold Saucer do?

    There are quite a few things that you can win in the Battle and Speed Sqaures in the Gold Saucer that have no use in the game at all.

    Where are all the Turtle's Paradise Flyers?

    When you seen them all, go and talk to the Barman in the Turtle's Paradise Pub in Wutai.
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